Guidelines for Authors

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business Management (IJHSBM) should adhere to high standards of clarity, accuracy, and readability. Manuscripts that fail to meet these criteria may be returned to the authors for revision.

Article Types & Format

The journal accepts various types of articles, including original research, reviews, case studies, and more. Each type must be formatted according to the specific guidelines outlined below.

Original/Research Articles

These articles present original, unpublished research findings and provide a comprehensive explanation of the research methodology, design, results and conclusions.

Sections typically include:

Introduction: Clearly states the research objective or hypothesis.

Methods: Describes the research design, data collection techniques, participant details and any tools used.

Results: Details the findings from the research.

Conclusions: Discusses the implications of the findings and suggests future directions for research or practice.

Review Articles

These articles summarize and synthesize existing literature on a given topic, reflecting the state of knowledge and identifying gaps, trends and advances.

Case Studies

These provide detailed analyses of real-world situations or specific phenomena, offering insights, challenges and recommendations.


Brief articles authored by the editorial team, typically discussing emerging issues or opinions on relevant trends.


Concise discussions that critique or reflect upon current research trends or propose solutions to significant challenges in the field.


Articles correcting errors or inaccuracies in previously published works.

Expert Opinion

Articles written by subject-matter experts offering insights on contemporary issues, trends, or research advancements.

Letters to the Editor

Correspondence that expresses opinions or responses to previously published articles.

Perspective Articles

Personal viewpoints, theoretical reflections, or philosophical discussions on significant topics within the journal’s scope.

Manuscript Structure

Cover Letter, Title Page, Abstract and Keywords, Manuscript Text, Figures and Tables, Acknowledgments, References.

Cover Letter

A formal letter addressed to the Editor-in-Chief, which should include:

  • The manuscript title and type.
  • Justification for choosing the journal for submission.
  • A declaration of no multiple or duplicate submissions.
  • Any relevant conference details.
  • The relationship of the manuscript to any previously submitted works.

Title Page

The title page should contain:

  • Full title (max 130 characters).
  • Running title (max 75 characters).
  • Full names and affiliations of authors.
  • Contact information for the corresponding author.
  • Details of any clinical trials, funding, or grants.
  • Word count of the manuscript.

Abstract and Keywords

The abstract (max 300 words) should concisely summarize the rationale, research objectives, key findings and conclusions. Include 3-5 keywords (listed alphabetically) to aid in search indexing.

Manuscript Text

The main content should follow the structure appropriate for the article type. Citations should be indicated by numbers in superscript throughout the manuscript.

Figures and Tables

  • Figures and tables should be numbered according to the order they appear in the text.
  • Tables should be placed after the references section.
  • Figures should be submitted as separate high-resolution image files (preferably .jpg or .png format).


Recognize individuals or institutions that contributed to the research but do not meet the authorship criteria. This section should also mention funding sources and any relevant conferences. Ensure written consent is obtained for any individuals mentioned.


The references section should be formatted with attention to accuracy and consistency:

    • List all references on a separate page, numbered consecutively.
    • Citation style: Numbers in parentheses should be used in the text.
    • Abbreviate journal names according to standards (e.g., Index Medicus).
    • For unpublished works, indicate "in press" if applicable.

Supplementary Materials

Authors can submit supplementary online content (e.g., extended data sets, videos) to complement their manuscript, provided it is referenced within the main text.

Submission Process

Suitability Check: Authors must verify that their article aligns with the scope of MJRI before submitting.

Submission Format: Manuscripts should be submitted via the online system or as email attachments in .docx or PDF format.

Cover Letter & Manuscript: Submit the cover letter, main manuscript, figures, tables, and any supplementary materials together.

Peer Review: Articles will undergo a peer review process, which generally takes 4-6 weeks, to assess the quality and relevance of the research.

Quality Control

The manuscript will undergo an initial quality check for plagiarism and duplicate submissions. Once passed, it will proceed to peer review. If necessary, authors will be informed of any revisions before publication.