Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

The International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Business Management (IJHSBM) is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of academic integrity in the content it publishes.

Responsible Research Publication:  Authors' Responsibilities

Authors are expected to conduct their research ethically and responsibly, adhering to all relevant legal and ethical standards. They must avoid scientific misconduct, including the fabrication, falsification, or manipulation of data.

Authors should present their results and methods transparently, ensuring clarity, accuracy, and originality. All contributors to the research must have made significant contributions to the work and should be appropriately acknowledged.

Authors are required to disclose any conflicts of interest, including financial or personal relationships with editors, members of the editorial board, or the scientific committee.

Publication Decision

IJHSBM employs a double-blind peer review process to ensure the integrity and quality of the work we publish. The editor is responsible for selecting articles that align with the journal's multidisciplinary scope and are of importance to scholars, researchers, and practitioners. Editorial decisions are made based on academic merit, independent of commercial influence.

Editors are required to recuse themselves from any editorial decision-making process if they have a conflict of interest. The final decision rests with an editor without conflicts of interest.

Conflict of Interest

Any conflict of interest involving the editor-in-chief, editorial board members, scientific committee members, or reviewers regarding an author or manuscript will result in their withdrawal from the evaluation process.

IJHSBM ensures the avoidance of conflicts of interest among authors, reviewers, and editorial board members throughout the publication process.

Peer Review

Each submitted manuscript undergoes evaluation by two anonymous expert reviewers selected by a member of the editorial board or scientific committee.

The peer review process is conducted confidentially, with the editorial board members and reviewers respecting the privacy of the authors' work.

Identifying and Preventing Misconduct

IJHSBM maintains a zero-tolerance policy for research misconduct. The journal informs authors and reviewers of expected ethical conduct and ensures that all parties involved are aware of their responsibilities.

The editorial board, scientific committee, and reviewers are vigilant in identifying and addressing any research misconduct promptly and effectively.

Guidelines for Retraction or Corrections

Editors are responsible for addressing issues related to research misconduct. They work collaboratively with co-editors, board members, reviewers, and experts to resolve such issues.

If necessary, appropriate actions will be taken, such as retracting articles or issuing corrections in the journal.

Data Access and Retention

Authors are encouraged to share the research data supporting their publications. They should include a data statement, specifying the source of the data used in their research.

Copyright, Content Originality, Plagiarism, and Reproduction

Authors retain intellectual property and copyright for their original content. By publishing in IJHSBM, authors grant the journal exclusive first publication rights.

Authors are responsible for ensuring the originality of their material and avoiding plagiarism. All material should be properly cited and referenced, with appropriate declarations made for reused content.

Access, Licensing, and Archiving

Articles published in International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Business Management (IJHSBM) are made freely available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). This ensures open access to research while preserving the rights of the authors.

The journal’s content is archived by reputable platforms, ensuring long-term, free access to all published materials.

Confidentiality Policy

All personal information, including names, affiliations, and contact details of authors, reviewers, and collaborators, remains confidential and is not used for commercial purposes. This confidentiality is maintained throughout the peer review process.

International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Business Management (IJHSBM) may use this information for academic purposes, such as soliciting contributions or promoting upcoming issues, while ensuring anonymity in all communications related to the journal.